Less than a year ago, I threw together a demo for a game I called “Meteor Henry.” It was based on the idea of creating a “natural” environment for the player by trying to close the interactivity gap between the on-screen world and the player’s nervous system (mostly by making the mouse the primary form of control and giving it intuitive uses, almost as a limb). I hoped to demonstrate simplified physical concepts that I had been observing in Kung Fu class (mostly methods of energy conservation, or efficiency of movement, with an emphasis on circular motion).* The game required quick reflexes, coordination, quick thinking, and puzzle solving skills.
I’ve decided to make this game my first project to be released with Sokay so look forward to some previews. The original coding is a bit outdated and not very efficient (I did it in a number of days) so I’ll have to do some updating before uploading a demo. I’ll also be adding in some new features that I’m very excited about, but it should come pretty soon.
When I decided to make Meteor Henry my first project on Sokay, I felt a little guilty because I had made these great big posts about the meaning of Art and so on and I wasn’t even going to be undertaking a big revolutionary game for the sake of pure artistic relevance. Nope, I’m nothin’, but a big fake! At least until this summer when I have more time on my hands. I do have an artistic agenda with Meteor Henry, but you’ll see it’s a nice happy, fun game. Very smiley, puts you in a good mood. Very Nintendo. I got nothin’ against that!
Anyway, my guilt led me to another idea. I’d like to throw up a demo of an engine I started work on last summer and have built upon ever since (see Bryson’s Little Loki which was based on a super early version, or the upcoming Breakfast Club game, also on LG, which incorporates many of the latest developments). It started as simply a platformer engine and has since turned into a “flash game” engine, to be used for pretty much any kind of game (White Engine, anyone? . . . Let’s not get sued by SquareEnix . . .). The demo won’t be much to play with, but I’d like to get it up as a taste of what’s ahead. Ultimately I’ll be releasing the engine with a guide on its use and a level editor, something of a Dev Kit. The plan is to release everything open source, in the hopes that other flash developers will be able to use the same technology to get some original ideas out there, begin releasing open-source themselves, and generally raise the standard for flash games. I’d also like to attract new people to flash, people that don’t see themselves as programmers, but with a little help, can get into development. While the greatest innovations in technology may be limited to only the most savvy, innovations in expression should be available to everyone. I’d like to see game development become as welcoming as it is to pick up a guitar and strum away or pick up a pencil and draw.
-Christopher J. Rock
*More on Kung Fu later! Kung Fu is very important to games!