ANNOUNCING — DONUT GET! for Android Has Been Released!

Download it for FREE at:
Last week I spent some time prototyping our next game in Unity. Of the block matching puzzle game variety.
This week I jumped back to focusing on Donut Get! iPad version and finishing up where I left off with the in app purchasing. I was running into a problem of it just crashing when a purchase started so I had to do a bit of optimizing to prevent that. So far so good, as now I can at least get it to work!

In app purchase screen to remove ads.

Thank you screen!
The textures for the sprite animation is eating up a ton of memory. I’ve tried to keep the cop animation sharp and crisp but I’ve had to bring down the res a bit to accommodate all the lower-end devices it keeps crashing. 🙁 So for now, I’m trying to stop crashing Android phone! haha
Later I hope to do some research to switch between spritesheets based on the memory available on the device. Not quite sure if that’s possible/reasonable yet.
Donut Get! Android is available on Google Play so check it out if you can. Let me know how it works for you!
iPhone version available soon!
The OG Flash version still at
Thanks for reading.